Rami Somo

SEO for validated brands 📈 2M+ visits acquired

Rank top 3 on Google with a positive ROI or get your money back

Turn organic into a predictable channel: We’ll create a detailed roadmap of everything you need to grow your revenue from Google.


“I love how you break down SEO into simple, actionable steps. It can be a daunting topic, but you make it easy to understand.”

Chase Dimond


“Rami took the time to thoroughly understand our brand and came up with unique ideas that aligned with our product and messaging.”

Uma Patel, Tona.so


“They nailed our brand’s voice and conducted amazing market analysis which contributed to the project’s success.”

María Belén Aramburu, Pulpos.com

The problem

You know SEO is a great long-term play, but don’t know where and how to start

You’re not sure about what keywords to go after

You’re not sure what backlinks you need to build

You’re not sure how to optimize your pages

You’re afraid of wasting time making costly mistakes

You don’t want to commit to a big monthly retainer

Our solution

We create a detailed SEO plan, tailored to your company, that your team can implement with our guidance

Get a complete custom SEO strategy outlined for you

Rami will develop an SEO strategy built just for your business. We dive into what makes you unique, and how you stack up against your competition to ensure your online presence really stands out. No one-size-fits-all here; it’s all about what works best for you.

A straightforward content plan

With our done-for-you content plan, you’ll know exactly what and when to publish to grab your audience’s attention. We simplify the process, guiding you on the right topics, formats, and keywords that resonate with your target market.

Technical, on-page (and more) audits

Our detailed audits look at everything from your site’s technical setup to how you’re using keywords on your pages. We find the small things that can make a big difference and help you fix them, ensuring your site is set up for success.

Unlimited support

Enjoy peace of mind with unlimited support. Whether you have questions, need to tweak your strategy, or want insights on the latest trends, we’re here for you every step of the way to ensure your SEO journey is smooth and effective.

The results

How does it work?

We follow a step-by-step process that gets us consistent results


You share your site’s URL and give us access to Google Search Console and Analytics.


We start working on our initial audits.

Competitive research

We take a look at what your main competitors are doing to have a better idea of what’s working in your niche.

Content plan

We develop a complete content plan detailing every piece of content you should create for the next year. An interlinking map is included.


We share a report of all the technical, on-page, off-page, content, and CRO fixes we recommend for your site.

Strategy delivery

We organize your next year’s SEO strategy into sprints with detailed indications of what to do, and what not to do.

Unlimited consulting

We will be available to answer any SEO questions you might have during the next year.


1-Year Custom Action Plan

120 blog article first drafts

Content quality guidelines

Content templates

Interlinking map

Site structure strategy

Custom backlink strategy

Competitor analysis

Off-page SEO audit

On-page SEO audit

Technical SEO audit

Content CRO audit

Organic traffic alternatives

Detailed work sprints

Unlimited SEO consulting for 1 year

One-time payment
Get your custom SEO plan today >
If after implementing our SEO plan, you don’t get a positive ROI, you get your money back

What people who know us say


“Collaborating with Blogger Input was a pleasure, from the initial ideation phase to the final execution of the piece. Rami took the time to thoroughly understand our brand and came up with unique ideas that aligned with our product and messaging. Throughout the process, he was extremely responsive, making sure to tailor the piece to our specific needs and offer a quick turnaround – which is highly valued in an early-stage startup.”

Uma Patel, Tona.so


“I had the pleasure of working with Blogger Input on a recent blog for my SaaS product BugSmash, and I couldn’t be more impressed. Writing and SEO skills were exceptional, no doubt. But the thing which impressed me a lot was: I provided minimal context, and they took it upon themselves to conduct thorough research and came up with valuable insights and key pointers for the blog. As a founder, the last thing you need is to spend hours and hours to make someone understand what you need, right? I highly recommend Rami to anyone in need of top-notch SEO content with minimum oversight. Thank you for your outstanding work!”

Nabil Kazi, Bugsmash.io


“Working with Blogger Input on our content marketing was a positive experience. They understood our company’s goals and created content that resonated with our audience. They nailed our brand’s voice and conducted amazing market analysis which contributed to the project’s success. Rami was proactive in suggesting ideas and adaptable to our needs, which helped in meeting our timelines. I appreciate his efforts and recommend him, and his team, for content marketing projects that require understanding, flexibility, and efficiency.”

María Belén Aramburu, Pulpos.com


“I love how you break down SEO into simple, actionable steps. It can be a daunting topic, but you make it easy to understand.”

Chase Dimond


“Amazing approach- weaving some straightforward storytelling in the mix!”

Armin Tanovic


“Loved how you broke down SEO into bite-sized insights! Rami Somo It’s true, while many chase the quick fixes, SEO is the long game that often brings sustainable results.”

Layla Kaleem


“This is awesome, Rami, you have articulated SEO in an easy format to understand. Thanks for sharing. 😎”

Samuel Kamugisha


“Super helpful man… you make SEO seem simple (I know it’s not haha)”

Nick Browne


“One of the best insights I have seen so far on off-page SEO. You made it so easy to understandable that I cant resist myself to comment. Kudos to you.”

Tanishq Jain


“Your content advice is on point”

Karan Kothari


“Rami approached me and offered to create a blog post for the Boardroom Blog. He took the time to understand our business, researched relevant topics and keywords for our niche, and wrote a fantastic post! We’re excited to see what results this can bring to our business.”

Charles Camisasca


“Love the straightforward breakdown, Rami Somo. It’s not just about solving the problem; it’s about guiding the customer through a journey that positions your product as the best solution.”

Clement Schneider


“Your insights are eye-opening!”

Sneha Jain


“Absolutely, content quality matters! “Your insights on niche offerings and unique use cases driving organic traffic without backlinks are spot on. It’s encouraging to see tangible results within a short timeframe. Impressive strategy!”

Pankaj Desai


“Great insights, Rami! Shifting our focus to content strategy and building topical authority is the real game-changer for ranking on Google. Quality, shareable content and a strong SEO strategy can definitely move the needle!”

Ashley Wright


“The best breakdown of ranking on Google. It is simple, clear, and straight to the point.”

Samuel Kimu


Does this action plan include implementation?

The action plan focuses on strategy. We leave the implementation to you and your team, while we give you our guidance at every step of the journey.

Can you help me with the implementation if I need it?

Yes, and we match the price of this custom SEO plan in credit for our implementation sprints. So you get $2997 off from the get-go. Just let us know what you need!

Are results guaranteed?

Absolutely. If you implement your custom action plan and you don’t get any results, you get your money back.

Who is this SEO plan designed for?

It’s perfect for early-stage startups, freelancers/entrepreneurs, SaaS, and e-commerce businesses looking to grow organically.

How is this SEO plan personalized for my startup?

We start with in-depth research on your business and competition. This helps us craft a unique SEO strategy that’s cost-effective and tailored just for you. Every niche is different, and what’s required to rank in one might not be that important for another. We figure this out so you don’t waste time and money.

What does unlimited consulting actually mean?

You can email us any SEO questions related to your site, and we’ll give you a detailed answer within 48 business hours. No limits, for a whole year.

What’s the difference with a traditional SEO agency?

Our plan is more affordable, with less commitment. We lay out everything you need for better rankings at a fraction of the cost of traditional agencies, and your team works on the implementation with our guidance. This way we can align our incentives towards your growth, and not have put it against our costs.

What if I don’t like the plan?

If you’re not happy with the plan, you can get a full refund within 14 days.

What makes your SEO plan suitable for early-stage startups?

We focus on cost-effective strategies to improve your Google rankings and boost revenue, all at a lower price point than traditional agencies.

How soon can I expect to see results from my SEO efforts?

SEO takes time. Expect to start seeing noticeable results after about 6 to 9 months of consistent effort, but every niche and company has its timing.

Are there any additional costs involved apart from the initial pricing?

Our pricing is transparent. There are suggested add-ons for execution, but the plan is designed for you to manage implementation on your own if you choose, and we will recommend vendors to do so.

We are not an early-stage startup, will this plan work for us?

Most likely, yes! We recommend booking a call to discuss your specific needs.

Why should I choose your service over doing SEO in-house or hiring a freelancer?

Hiring for SEO can be difficult and expensive. Our plan gives you a solid strategy to implement, whether on your own or with hired help. A lot of our clients hire someone to implement our custom plan.

My startup is in a very niche market. How can you ensure the SEO plan will be effective?

We tailor every plan to fit the startup and niche. If we don’t think you can rank, we’ll refund you and let you know before we start working.

How much time will I need to invest in this SEO plan?

The plan spans a whole year, and you can implement it at your own pace. We’ll suggest weekly and monthly goals to help guide you.

I’ve had a bad experience with SEO services in the past. How are you different?

We focus on what matters: creating a custom action plan for you, without having to cut corners on implementation to save costs, which is something many traditional agencies do. By working closely with each client and tailoring our approach to your specific needs and situation, we ensure a higher level of personalization and success rate.

The pricing seems higher than some other options I’ve seen. What justifies the cost?

Take into consideration that this is a one-time payment, while most agencies start at this monthly rate, with a set-up cost, and with minimum-term contracts. Also, consider that SEO consultants charge, on average, $300 an hour. You are getting a complete one-year custom strategy plan and unlimited consulting for the cost of just 10 hours of consulting.

What if my startup doesn’t see any growth in traffic or rankings after implementing your plan?

If things aren’t working, we’re here to adjust the strategy until we find what works. We aim for success and will be proactive in making changes if needed. Now, if after a whole year of implementation and consulting, you don’t see results, we’ll accept we f*cked up somewhere and give you a full refund.

I have more questions.

You’re welcome to book a call with Rami to discuss any further questions or concerns you might have!